
Kathryn Wood ‍has worked extensively ‍as ‍a ‍translator ‍and ‍languages ‍tutor, ‍but ‍she ‍also ‍has ‍a ‍broad ‍range ‍of ‍experience ‍in ‍running wind bands, ‍music ‍courses ‍and ‍events, ‍both ‍in ‍the ‍UK ‍and ‍abroad. ‍This ‍includes:

-    Co-founder and Director of the National Youth and Children's Concert Band (2018 - present)

‍-  ‍  ‍Orchestral ‍Manager ‍for ‍the ‍National ‍Children’s ‍Wind ‍and ‍Chamber ‍Orchestras ‍(2014 ‍– ‍2018)

‍-  ‍  ‍Conference ‍Producer ‍for ‍a ‍London-based ‍FTSE ‍250 ‍company ‍(2015 ‍– ‍2017)

‍-  ‍  ‍Volunteering ‍at ‍a ‍music ‍school ‍in ‍Peru, ‍running ‍a ‍variety ‍of ‍musical ‍groups ‍for ‍children ‍and ‍young ‍adults ‍(2012 ‍– ‍2013)

‍-  ‍  ‍Executive ‍Committee ‍for ‍Durham ‍University ‍Orchestral ‍Society ‍(2011 ‍– ‍2012)

‍Kathryn ‍is ‍also ‍a ‍keen ‍violinist, ‍playing ‍regularly ‍with ‍the ‍Stevenage ‍Symphony ‍Orchestra ‍and ‍working ‍with ‍the ‍committee ‍to ‍arrange ‍concerts. Following law studies, Kathryn now works as a Legal Officer at the Incorporated Society of Musicians.

Jonny Watkins  ‍has ‍been ‍playing ‍the ‍trombone ‍since ‍the ‍age ‍of ‍7. ‍He ‍studied ‍at ‍the ‍Guildhall ‍School ‍of ‍Music ‍and ‍Drama ‍with ‍Eric ‍Crees ‍and ‍Simon ‍Wills ‍and ‍with ‍Don ‍Lucas ‍at ‍Boston ‍University ‍during ‍which ‍time ‍he ‍toured ‍extensively ‍with ‍the ‍European ‍Union ‍Youth ‍Orchestra ‍and ‍won ‍the ‍International ‍Trombone ‍Association ‍Quartet ‍Competition ‍with ‍the ‍Spitfire ‍Trombone ‍Quartet. ‍From ‍2011-13 ‍Jonny ‍was ‍the ‍Principal ‍Trombone ‍in ‍the ‍Hong ‍Kong ‍Sinfonietta ‍and,  ‍in ‍the ‍2017 ‍season, ‍was ‍Associate ‍Principal ‍Trombone ‍in ‍the ‍National ‍Centre ‍for ‍Performing ‍Arts ‍Orchestra ‍in ‍Beijing, ‍China. ‍He ‍has ‍worked for ‍many ‍of ‍the ‍UK’s ‍leading ‍orchestras, ‍including ‍the ‍BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC ‍Philharmonic, ‍City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ‍and ‍Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and is currently trialling for postions in the Orchestra of Opera North and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.

‍Jonny ‍is one of the Directors of the National Youth and Children's Concert Bands, was ‍the ‍trombone ‍section ‍tutor ‍for ‍both ‍the ‍National ‍Youth ‍Wind ‍Ensemble ‍of ‍Great ‍Britain ‍and ‍the ‍Hampshire ‍County ‍Youth ‍Wind ‍Ensemble ‍and ‍has ‍led ‍masterclasses ‍at ‍the ‍Hong ‍Kong ‍Baptist ‍University ‍and ‍twice ‍at ‍the ‍Conservatorio ‍Profesional ‍de ‍Musica ‍Xoan ‍Montes ‍in ‍Lugo, ‍Spain. He teaches at several schools in and around Harpenden including Grove Junior School, St.Hilda's, Heath Mount School and Radlett Prep.

‍In ‍his ‍spare ‍time, ‍Jonny ‍can ‍be ‍found ‍enjoying ‍a ‍good ‍pub ‍quiz ‍or ‍watching his beloved Arsenal.

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